(To date, I've never gotten any mapshare correction updates!) It directs me to the update page, which after a minute says that everything is up to date. Also on the main home page, it tells me that my MapShare updates are out of date (which they are), however it won't let me update the MapShare corrections. which is what I use on my Macintosh, there's a great quote : ' Pioneers. Is there anyone on board who has actually used a Mac. You can get a pure tom - tom sound without getting cymbal wash or leakage from. Some of the new Home program works, but more often than not, the updater fails. The TomTom website says that the TomTom Home software is Mac compatible, allowing route planning on a Mac.
(If they can't figure out how to make the computer-gps control work out, they should make it possible to password protect the gps from within.)

Still no computer control of my TomTom ONE LE, just an error that says "this feature is not supported by your device or operating system." This means that it is not possible for me to password protect the gps. This Version,, works somewhat, however some things don't work at all. TomTom Home is a third party application that provides additional functionality to OS X system and enjoys a popularity among Mac users. Hidden (/Library/Application Support/TomTom HOME/TomTomHOMERunner. Well, it's better than the old version, which was well outdated even last year. En als je toch je MacBook opnieuw gaat installeren, overweeg dan een nieuwe HD.